CELEBRITIES IN PEARLS: Cobie Smulders Looks Retro Chic in Pearls

Got a love for the retro lifestyle when dresses were a staple? If so, then you will love this image!

A beautiful snapshot of 32-year-old Canadian actress and former model, Cobie Smulders, surfaced on Instagram and we were in complete awe!

In the image, Cobie showcased beauty and retro chic style while wearing a glamour strand of pearls, gorgeous retro makeup that includes a perfect red pout, and primp pinup hair.

What we love about this look is that it takes us back to a day of class and sophistication that was the foundation of womanhood.

What do you think Cobie Smulders’ look? Do you think the style fits her? Share your thoughts…

Photo Source: (November 5, 2013) Aaron P/Bauer Griffin

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