Got love for pearl accessories? What about those popular pearl facial treatments and beauty regimens? Well, you may be able to further your love for pearls and extend your pearl accessories when wearing the world’s first perfume made from pearls.
According to Australia Y! News, Essential Oils of Tasmania, a subsidiary of Perth-based Atlas Pearls and Perfumes, has received a large grant of $1.1 million to build a plant in Tasmania to extract ingredients from South Sea pearls for their luxury perfume.
According to the article:
“Atlas chairman Stephen Birkbeck said its salty, floral pearl perfume, ‘Ayu’, was designed by Parisian master Michel Roudnitska, whose father Edmond was the legendary creator of some of the world’s most famous fragrances, including Dior’s Eau Sauvage.
Atlas plans to broaden its production of Ayu, which it already sells on a small scale at its Claremont store, and will also sell the extract to other perfumeries.
Mr Birkbeck believes the new plant in Tasmania, which will also extract fragrances from truffles and boronia flowers, will kick start new income streams and export markets.
The pearl-based Ayu range includes soaps and moisturizers that claim to penetrate the skin with anti-aging pearl proteins.”
We think that is amazing and we cannot wait to see the response from the public and smell the fragrance.
What do you think of the project? Would you try the perfume?
Photo Sources: au.news.yahoo.com