Are pearls sexy? On most occasions, pearls are worn as a symbol of class, professionalism, and sophistication. We see women of power like the First Lady of the United States in pearls; English Royalty and other country women have been spotted in pearls; and let’s not forget women who are lawyers, doctors, and educators who have been seen adorning the precious jewel. Not often are we exposed to pearls in an exotic fashion, or have we?
In December of 2007, celebrity reality star Kim Kardashian dared to be nude and expose her goodies in the issue of Playboy magazine wearing nothing but pearls. There was also Rihanna who stunned onlookers in Paris when she attended a fashion show for Chanel, dressed in a crème colored duster, pearls and not much to the imagination. Many people found her look to be a little too daring while most (especially men) thought that she looked like the sexiest symbol of pearls.
Men have quite a few thoughts about pearls that women would never expect. Besides being classy and elegant, men view women with pearls to be…HOT!
We had the amazing opportunity to speak with fashion stylist, Andre Freeland about men and their conception of women, sexiness and pearls.
Andre has been creating fashion styles through vision and a creative eye that can spot a trend from the beginning of its creation. Professionally trained at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, Andre` is no stranger to the constant change of fashion. As we know, change is inevitable in fashion.
In 2003, Andre turned his passion for helping people take their everyday look to the next level by creating the Andre’ Freeland Imagery and Consulting Firm to help men and women organize their closets and get the best out of their wardrobe, creating their signature style.
When we asked Andre if pearls are sexy, he responded, “Yes pearls are sexy.” It’s just that simple for men. “Pearls speak for themselves,” he says.
Contrary to other men, Andre has different thoughts on the topic, “I would rather see a sophisticated woman wearing pearls than a woman who leaves nothing to the imagination. A really classy woman is a woman that turns heads.” Andre finishes.
We agree with Andre. Pearls are truly a classy and elegant touch to a woman’s wardrobe and classy can definitely be sexy.
What do you think of pearls? Are they classy or sexy? Do you think that classy is the new sexy? Share your thoughts.
Learn more about Andre at: www.andrefreeland.com
Cover Photo: Playboy